"The abandonment by several colleges and universities of sectarian affiliations and charter clauses relating to religion in order to secure endowments from the Carnegie Corporation and pensions for professors from the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. It would seem conclusive that if an institution will willingly abandon its religious affiliations through the influence of these foundations, it will even more easily conform to their will any other part of its organization or teaching." The Walsh committee Page 84
"As Professor Rowe and others have said: it would seem far better to lose efficiency and give individuals of quality the opportunity to go in their own respective directions unhampered by any group control, direction or pressure. However laudable much or most of its work may have been, the Council has certainly been, one of the media through which foundation funds have been used to effect considerable control or influence over education in the United Sates. Some may argue that this control or influence has been wholly good-were this so, we would still believe that the power of great foundations to affect educational policies and practices is one which should concern the public. By the same token, we believe that "clearing house" organizations, while they may serve a purpose in the direction of efficiency, are of questionable desirability when interlocked financially or by personnel with these foundations. The aggregate power involved in such concentration gives us concern." The Reece Committee, Page 52-53, or on Scribd Page 52-53/1526-1527
"It might be necessary paradoxically for us to control our press as the Russian press is controlled and as the Nazi press is controlled" In an article in The Progressive Education
Magazine by Professor Norman Woelfel, The Reece Committee, Page 153, or on Scribd Page 292/296
"The call now is for the utmost capitalization of the discontent manifest among teachers for the benefit of revolutionary social goals. This means that all available energies radically inclined leaders within the profession should be directed, toward the building of a united radical front. Warm collectivistic sentiment and intelligent vision, propagated in clever and disturbing manner by a few individual leaders no longer suits the occasion" The Reece committee, Page 145, Or on Scribd Page 487/491 from a 1934 article in The Progressive Education Magazine, "the Educator, The New Deal and Revolution" Professor Norman Woelfel
"Public enterprise must become a major constituent of our economy, if we are really going to have economic prosperity,
It is necessary to have public ownership of banking and credit (investment banks and insurance companies).
It is necessary to have public ownership of monopolistic key industries
It is necessary to have public ownership of basic natural resources (mines, oil fields, timber, coal, etc.)
in order to insure that the public corporations act in accordance with the competitive "rules of the game special economic court (enjoying the same independence as the courts of justice) might be established and that the economic court be given the power to repeal any rules of Congress, of legislatures, or of the municipal councils" The Reece committee Page 155-156 or on Scribd Page 155-156/1629-1630 from "building America" Textbooks financed by the Rockefeller Foundation
"An extremely powerful propaganda machine was created. It spent many millions of dollars in:
The production of masses of material for distribution; The creation and support of large numbers of international policy clubs, and other local organizations at colleges. and elsewhere; The underwriting and dissemination of many books on various subjects, through the "International Mind Alcoves" and the "International Relations Clubs and Centers" which it organized all over the country; The collaboration with agents of publicity, such as newspaper editors; The preparation of material to be used in school textbooks, and cooperation with publishers of textbooks to incorporate this material; The establishing of professorships at the colleges and the training and indoctrination of teachers; The financing of lecturers and the importation of foreign lecturers and exchange professors;
The support of outside agencies touching the international field, such as the Institute of International Education, the Foreign Policy Association, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Council on Education, the American Council of Learned Societies, The American Historical Association, The American Association of International Conciliation, The Institute of Pacific Relations, The International Parliamentary Union and others, and acting as midwife at the birth of some of them" The Reece Committee Page 171, Or on Scribd Page 171/1645 talking about the Carnegie Endowment
"The challenge of the future is to make this world one world — a world truly free to engage in common and constructive intellectual efforts that will serve the welfare of mankind everywhere." 1946 Rockefeller Foundation Report Page 8-9, published online by them and able to download in PDF form
"economic nationalism which is still running riot and which is the greatest obstacle to the establishment of prosperity and genuine peace." The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace made its position clear in its 1934 Yearbook, The Reece Committee Page 169, or on Scribd Page 910/918
"The weight of evidence before this Committee, which the foundations have made no serious effort to rebut, indicates that the form of globalism which the foundations have so actively promoted and from which our foreign policy has suffered seriously, relates definitely to a collectivist point of view. Despite vehement disclaimers of bias, despite platitudinous affirmations of loyalty to American traditions, the statements filed by those foundations whose operations touch on foreign policy have produced no rebuttal to the evidence of support of collectivism" The Reece Committee Page 169 or on Scribd Page 169/1643
"It is hardly necessary to emphasize that an interest of this kind involves no narrow nationalistic aim. The culture of the one world in the making is necessarily compounded of the diverse contributions of many peoples." The Rockefeller Foundation 1946 report Page 36, published online by them and able to download in PDF form
"is becoming an unofficial instrument of international policy, taking up here and there the ends and threads of international problems and questions which the government find it difficult to handle, and through private initiative reaching conclusions which are not of a formal nature but which unofficially find their way into the policies of governments" The Reece Committee Page 177, or on Scribd Page 177/1651 The Carnegie Endowment 1934 Report
"I have the very definite feeling that these various foundations you mention very definitely do exercise both overt and covert influences on our foreign relations and that their influences are counter to the fundamental principles on which this nation was founded and which have made it great" The Reece Committee Page 169 a letter from Spurille Braden Former assistant secretary of state to the committee, or on Scribd Page 1183/1193
"Exploration should also be made by the Endowment as to the possibilities of increasing the effectiveness of the radio and motion pictures in public education on world affairs." The Reece committee Page 184, or on Scribd Page 57/61 1947 Year Book Carnegie Endowment
"It has been stated that, unlike colleges and universities, foundations have no alumni to defend them. But they do have influential people as members of their boards, and these members have powerful friends, some of whom are more inclined to be partisanly defensive than objectively critical. Moreover, there are also thousands who, hopeful of becoming beneficiaries of future grants, either conceal their criticisms or else give expression to a defense that may not be wholly sincere." The Reece committee Page 38, or on Scribd Page 38/1512 professor Charles W Briggs testifying
Foundations their power and influence appendix
"This power to influence national policy is amplified tremendously when foundations act in concert. There is such a concentration of foundation power in the United States, operating in the social sciences and education. It consists basically of a group of major foundations, representing a gigantic aggregate of capital and income. There is no conclusive evidence that this interlock, this concentration of power, having some of the characteristics of an intellectual cartel, came into being as the result of an over-all, conscious plan. Nevertheless, it exists. It operates in part through certain intermediary organizations supported by the foundations. It has ramifications in almost every phase of research and education, in communications and even in government. Such a concentration of power is highly undesirable, whether the net result of its operations is benign or not." Foundations Their Influence and Power Page 302
"A system has thus arisen which gives enormous power to a relatively small group of individuals, having at their virtual command, huge sums in public trust funds. It is a system which is antithetical to American principles" Foundations Their Influence and Power Page 303
"The far-reaching power of the large foundations and of the interlock, has so influenced the press, the radio, and even the government that it has become extremely difficult for objective criticism of foundation practices to get into news channel without having first been distorted, slanted, discredited, and at times ridiculed. Nothing short of an unhampered Congressional investigation could hope to bring out the vital facts; and the pressure against Congressional investigation has been almost incredible. As indicated by their arrogance in dealing with this Committee, the major foundations and their associated intermediary organizations have intrenched themselves behind a totality of power which presumes to place them beyond serious criticism and attack." Foundations Their Influence and Power Page 303
"It has tended to support the concept of "social engineering" that "social scientists" and they alone are capable of guiding us into better ways of living and improved or substituted fundamental principles of action." Foundations Their Influence and Power Page 304
"The impact of foundation money upon education has been very heavy, largely tending to promote uniformity in approach and method, tending to induce the educator to become an agent for social change and a propagandist for the development of our society in the direction of some form of collectivism. Foundations have supported text books which are destructive of our basic governmental and social principles and highly critical of some of our cherished institutions." Foundations Their Influence and Power Page 304
"In the international field, foundations, and an interlock among some of them and certain intermediary organizations, have exercised a strong effect upon our foreign policy and upon public education in things international. This has been accomplished by vast propaganda, by supplying executives and advisers to government and by controlling much research in this area through the power of the pune. The net result of there combined efforts has been to promote "internationalism" in a particular sense a form directed toward "world Government" have supported a conscious distortion of history propagandized blindly for the United Nations as the hope of the world, supported that organization's agencies to an extent beyond general public acceptance, and leaned toward a generally "leftist" approach to international problems." Foundations Their Influence and Power Page 305
Unverified Sources
"Here we wish simply to emphasize that in our generation efforts are being made to arrange and control human relationships more consciously, more deliberately, and, it is to be hoped, more responsibly than during the last century. An interdependent world is being forced to an awareness of the limitations of individual freedom and personal choice." The Reece committee Page 126 quote from the social science research council
"a sounder empirical method of research had to be achieved in political science, if it were to assist in the development of a scientific political control" Reece committee Page 125 Dr Hobbs