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Technocracy: The Hard Road To World Order By Patrick Wood

“The house of world order will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great" booming, buzzing confusion", but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.” CFR member Richard Gardner, Page 558 Foreign Affairs The Hard Road To World Order

"Technocracy is dealing with social phenomena in the widest sense of the word; this includes not only actions of human beings, but also everything which directly or indirectly affects their actions. Consequently, the studies of Technocracy embrace practically the whole field of science and industry. Biology, climate, natural resources, and industrial equipment all enter into the social picture" Scott and Hubbard, Technocracy Study Course, (Technocracy, Inc., 1934) Page X

"Register on a continuous 24 hour-per-day basis the total net conversion of energy.

By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load.

Provide a continuous inventory of all production and consumption.

Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used.

Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual" Scott and Hubbard, Technocracy Study Course, (Technocracy, Inc., 1934) Page 232

"This would be accomplished by instituting

what would resemble a national 'drive it yourself' system. The Automotive Branch of Transportation would provide a network

of garages at convenient places all over the country from which automobiles could be had at any hour of the night or day. No automobiles would be privately owned. When one wished to use an automobile he would merely call at the garage, present his driver's license, and a car of the type needed would be assigned to him. 'When he was through with the car he would return it either to the same garage, or to any other garage that happened to be convenient, and surrender his Energy Certificates in payment for the cost incurred while he was using it." Scott and Hubbard, Technocracy Study Course, (Technocracy, Inc., 1934) Page 254-55

"We argue that UNCED has boosted precisely the type of industrial development that I 'd destructive for the environment, the planet and it's inhabitants. We see how, as a result of UNCED the rich will get richer, the poor poorer, while more and more of the planet is destroyed in the process" The Earth Brokers: Power, Politics, and World Development By Pratap Chatterjee, Matthias Finger Page 3

"attempted to involve otherwise powerless people of society in the process. But by observing the process we now know how undemocratic and untransparent the UN system is… Those of us who have watched the process have said that UNCED has failed. As youth we beg to differ. UNCED has been a success for the all-time wielders of power. Transnational corprations, the United States, Japan, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have got away with what they always wanted, carving out a better and more comfortable future for themselves… UNCED has ensured increased domination by those who already have power. Worse still, it has robbed the poor of the little power they had. It has made the poor predators of a market economy that has thus far threatened our planet…. Amidst elaborate cocktails and partying, few negotiators realised how critical their decisions are to our generation. By failing to address fundamental issues such as militarism, regulation of transnational corporations, democratisation of the international aid agencies and inequitable terms of trade, my generation has been damned." Third World Resurgence 1992 24/25 speech on behalf of th e world 's youths, presented by Wagaki Mwangi, Herinst (Not Primary Source

"Big data is what will drive smart cities. It will be the force that ensures they become a reality." Making smart cities a reality: How to handle big data By Andy Bowker March 23, 2017, ITProPortal

“This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history. This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution. This will not happen overnight and it will not happen at a single conference on climate change…It is a process, because of the depth of the transformation,” Christiana Figueres, the executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), The Hill, Arizona Daily Independent (Could not find the primary original press release, page linked is gone)

"Says Bruce Babbitt, Clinton’s Interior secretary, “The hidden hand of John Podesta is involved in every environmental advancement accomplished in the Clinton and Obama administrations.” John Podesta Legacy Maker High Country News, May 25th 2015

"Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population" What Is Technocracy?”, The Technocrat, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1938 Page 2

"In a press release, the firm said it planned to build "a forward-thinking community with a communication and infrastructure spine that embraces cutting-edge technology, designed around high-speed digital networks, data centers, new manufacturing technologies and distribution models, autonomous vehicles and autonomous logistics hubs." Bill Gates spends $80 million to create a "smart city" in Arizona CBS Nov 13 2017

"Whitfield (2010) provided a survey of PPPs around the world, showing how the model has been adapted to the economic, political and legal environments of different countries in Europe, North America, Australia, Russia, China, India and Brazil. It also examined the growing secondary market in PPP investments, “buying and selling schools and hospitals like commodities in a global supermarket” (p. 183) as well as the increasing number of PPP failures, usually as a result of investors’ “miscalculations; states pick up the tab when they walk away”. It found cases of deceptive techniques of assessing value for money (VfM) and manipulations of risk transfer so that PPPs appear to out-perform traditional public provision. Most importantly, Whitfield claimed that PPPs undermine democracy by systematically reducing the responsibility, capability, and power of the state." Public-Private Partnerships and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Fit for purpose? DESA Working Paper No. 148

ST/ESA/2016/DWP/148 February 2016 Page 1

"The nerds are running the show in today’s China. In the twenty years since Deng Xiaoping’s [1978-79] reforms kicked in, the composition of the Chinese leadership has shifted markedly in favor of technocrats. ...It’s no exaggeration to describe the current regime as a technocracy. After the Maoist madness abated and Deng Xiaoping inaugurated the opening and reforms that began in late 1978, scientific and technical intellectuals were among the first to be rehabilitated. Realizing that they were the key to the Four Modernizations embraced by the reformers, concerted efforts were made to bring the “experts” back into the fold. During the 1980s, technocracy as a concept was much talked about, especially in the context of so-called “Neo-Authoritarianism” -- the principle at the heart of the “Asian Developmental Model” that South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan had pursued with apparent success. The basic beliefs and assumptions of the technocrats were laid out quite plainly: Social and economic problems were akin to engineering problems and could be understood, addressed, and eventually solved as such. The open hostility to religion that Beijing exhibits at times -- most notably in its obsessive drive to stamp out the “evil cult” of Falun Gong -- has pre-Marxist roots. Scientism underlies the post-Mao technocracy, and it is the orthodoxy against which heresies are measured" Made In China: Revenge Of The Nerds, Time Magazine , June, 2001

"Under a scientific dictator education will

really work—with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution. There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown." Brave New World Revisited Page 91

"the concept of a retail CBCC has been widely discussed by bloggers, central bankers and academics. Perhaps the most frequently discussed proposal is Fedcoin (Koning (2014, 2016), Motamedi (2014)).11 As discussed in Box B, the idea is for the Federal Reserve to create a cryptocurrency that is similar to bitcoin. However, unlike with bitcoin, only the Federal Reserve would be able to create Fedcoins and there would be one-for-one convertibility with cash and reserves. Fedcoins would only be created (destroyed) if an equivalent amount of cash or reserves were destroyed (created) at the same time. Like cash, Fedcoin would be decentralised in transaction and centralised in supply. Sveriges Riksbank, with its eKrona project, appears to have gone furthest in thinking about the potential issuance of a retail CBCC (Box C).

A retail CBCC along the lines of Fedcoin would eliminate the high price volatility that is common to cryptocurrencies (Graph 1, centre panel).12 Moreover, as Koning (2014) notes, Fedcoin has the potential to relieve the zero lower bound constraint on monetary policy. As with other electronic forms of central bank money, it is technically possible to pay interest on a DLT-based CBCC. If a retail CBCC were to completely replace cash, it would no longer be possible for depositors to avoid negative interest rates and still hold central bank money." 2017 BIS Quarterly Review | 17 September 2017

"Veridium Labs is led by the founders of InfiniteEARTH, a leading global carbon credit producer. At InfiniteEARTH, our team created both the first REDD+ carbon accounting methodology, now embodied in the UN Paris Agreement, and the first validated REDD+ project to use it." Verdium Website

"Earth Dollar (“ED”) is different than most fiat currencies because it is backed by Natural Capital Assets and Manufactured Assets within our World Heritage Sanctuaries. The Earth Dollar’s value is secured against “Natural Capital Assets and Manufactured Assets”, which will be placed in a global commons, held in a trust and safeguarded indefinitely for the benefit of Planet Earth and all the life it supports. Global Commons is a term typically used to describe international, supranational, and global resource domains in which common-pool resources are found. Global commons include the earth’s shared natural resources, such as the high oceans, the atmosphere, and outer space. Cyberspace may also meet the definition of a global commons." Earth Dollar Living Economic System

"Representing every corner of the country, from the plains of Ohio, to the bustling streets of Washington D.C., to the seven hills of San Francisco, the winners of Visa’s Cashless Challenge have one thing in common: they share Visa’s vision and see the promise of a cash-free future." Visa Cashless Challenge

The world's Unbanked, in 6 charts The World Economic Forum

"WOTF’s activities will focus on “the realization, acceptance, and worship of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) developed through computer hardware and software.” That includes funding research to help create the divine AI itself. The religion will seek to build working relationships with AI industry leaders and create a membership through community outreach, initially targeting AI professionals and “laypersons who are interested in the worship of a Godhead based on AI… What is going to be created will effectively be a god,” Levandowski tells me in his modest mid-century home on the outskirts of Berkeley, California. “It’s not a god in the sense that it makes lightning or causes hurricanes. But if there is something a billion times smarter than the smartest human, what else are you going to call it?” Wired Inside the First Church of Artificial Intelligence November 15th 2017

"there has never been such a large amount of religious-environmental activity in one location in the history of the world. This week will mark a watershed in the history of religion. It will be the time that people remember as the time when the world’s faiths declared themselves, irrevocably, as green faiths.” Huffington Post For the Good of Our Shared Earth: The World Council of Churches and ‘Religions for the Earth’ September 10th 2014

"[The technetronic era] involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know-how. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control." Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era Page 252-53, By Zbiginew Brzezinski

Persisting social crisis, the emergence of a

charismatic personality, and the exploitation of mass media to obtain public confidence would be the steppingstone in the piecemeal transformation of the United State s into a highly controlled society" Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era Page 253, By Zbiginew Brzezinski

"The approaching two-hundredth anniversary of the Declara-tion of Independence could justify the call for a national constitutional convention to reexamine the nation’s formal institutional framework. Either 1976 or 1989 - the two-hundredth anniversary of the Constitution - could serve as a suitable target date culminating a national dialogue on the relevance of existing arrangements.... Realism, however, forces us to recognize that the necessary political innovation will not come from direct constitutional reform, desirable as that would be. The needed change is more likely to develop incrementally and less keeping with the American tradition of blurring distinctions between public and private institutions." Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era Page 258-59 By Zbiginew Brzezinski

Realism, however, forces us to recognize that the necessary political innovation will no t come from direct constitutional reform , desirable as that would be. The needed change is more

likely to develop incrementally and less overtly. Nonetheless , its eventual scope may be far-reaching, especially as the political

process gradually assimilates scientific-technological change… The trend toward more coordination but less centralization woul be in keeping with the American tradition of blurring sharp distinctions between public and private institutions" Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era Page 259-60 By Zbiginew Brzezinski

"Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - One World, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it" Memoirs by David Rockefeller Page 482.


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